domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen post

During the previous week, we have seen the documentary, Four Horsemen. In this documentary the main plot is that they predict the fall of the powerful American Empire. The documentary explains that each empire has their time period, which during that period, it starts falling. The age of decadence and luxury is making the American Empire fall. As in the movie was said, there is enough for the people’s need but not enough for their greed. We are using more than what we have, we are misusing our resources and environment. With the fall of the American Empire, I believe our country will be affected. Great part of our economy is based in American products and many American corporations “invest” in our country. In reality the United States only wants to have us by their side and manage our country the way they need. United States will bring down with them all the Latin American countries that highly depend in them. And new powers will rise to take US place. I believe China will be the next super power and empire.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System

Colombian Monetary System

The constitution and the law give autonomy to El Banco de la Republica as the central bank of Colombia. This means that the bank is not a part of the public branches, neither executive, legislative, and jurisdictional. But this is an entity from the state, with unique nature. When I talk of the autonomy, it consist in the capacity of the bank to make free analysis of the monetary problems. And to design and to apply the policy to its charge. As the medium of exchange, it is used to buy and sell goods and services. Avoiding the complications of the exchange used in the past. 

To be an efficient medium of exchange it needs to have certain characteristics: to be divisible, easily transported, and difficult to falsify. The colombian peso is backup with the gold reserves that is managed by El Banco de la Republica. El Banco de la Republica regulates the change of the Colombian peso regards the coin of the other countries. El Banco de la Republica has a board of directors and a president. 


Fractional Reserve Banking

Fractional Reserve Banking

The Fractional Reserve Banking is an organization from the United States that controls the economy and flow of money. It is a banking system where the bank holds a fraction of the total deposit it has in the bank, and the rest of the deposit is loaned to the people. The fraction of deposit that is hold on is usually 10% or lower. This is the primary mode of operation from the retail banks located around the whole globe.

This banking system, called Fractional Reserve Banking prevents the destruction of a country's economy. It prevents inflation and future depressions such as the one of the 1930s. The Great Depression was an event that found many of economy savers such as the Fractional Reserve Banking. During the Great Depressions the banks collapsed because they did not had all the amount of money the people wanted.

MLA citation:
"Fractional-reserve Banking." - RationalWiki. Rational Wiki, 03 Apr. 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food inc, Economic Hitman, and Race

Food inc, economic hitman and race all reveal a lot of truth that people usually do not know about the mass production of food. The average supermarket has about 50,000 products and those products are mostly produces by a few big companies.

A company named Monsanto had control over the soybeans, they have a monopoly over the business.We could see how in the last 40 years how a few companies are taking all control of the food market. The US indirectly are responsible for farmers being in debts all their lives, but there is nothing to do about it. Monsanto former workers, now work for the US government, so Monsanto will always win the court cases.
The cost of processed foods is very low, but for the health of people. Most of the processed food have genetically modify ingredients, and this causes sickness like diabetes and E coli that have caused the death of people.

Turkey vs Social Networks

Turkey's Government lost their mind

During March,2014 Turkeys government got allowed to shutdown any social network or website whenever they want to. The Turkey government announced the first websites they want to banned. These websites are on the most popular ones in the internet. The first one is twitter. This is a social network service that permit users to send and read 140 character messages. The Turkish people are upset of this decision, basically the government is taking away a form to express themselves. The other website is youtube. Youtube is a video sharing website on which users can view and share videos. As Erdogan’s opponents say" his online clampdown is just a cynical, short term political move and a response to a growing story about government corruption. But Turks have refused to let the ban stop them from getting onto the micro-blogging site." This quote shows that the Turks are upset with the governments decision and they will continue entering to this website in anyway.

In my opinion the decision that took the Turkish government was a bad decision. I think that there is no democracy when prohibiting the access to certain websites. And as long as I know Turkey is a democratic country. I think that the next victim is Facebook. The way that it's going Turkey will have the same law that China has with Facebook. It is banned in china. This "social network" conflict leave me with two main questions:

 - Is really Turkey a democratic country?
- Do freedom of speech exist in Turkey?

Article taken from: