martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Panama Another Victim of the Economic Hitman

Panama and the Economic Hitman

Panama’s economy was a victim of the United State’s economic hit man. All starts when Theodore Roosevelt took interest in completing the construction of the Panama canal, with help of the American support and financial backing. From this day the United States “owns” the economy of Panama. This financial power that had United States towards Panama’s economy ended with Torrijos as a president. Torrijo was a strong man that decided to stop the abuse that United States have. President Torrijo told the United States that Panama was not going to send more oil to United States. The americans saw this as a trouble so they send an economic hitman to talk with Torrijo. The Panamanian president didn’t access to talk with the American. By chance President Torrijo died some days later by a plane crash.

There are some questionings about Torrijo’s death, some people said that his death wasn’t just an accident. Some 
argue that there is a hidden story in Torrijos death.

In my opinion Torrijos death was not an accident, the Unied States was involved in this. The Americans wanted Panamas economy back and they are willing to do everything to get it back. According to Mario Andrade “If you become an obstacle for the CIA, they simply eliminate you. Period!” said Diaz. He later stated that prior to his death, Torrijos was visited by a US intelligence operative, who asked him to be cooperative with Washington and in exchange, his country would not be in any economic problems. According to Diaz, Torrijos refused. He told the operative “I’m not against your country, but I will not accept your impositions. I’m a man of my own decisions. You tell your people that,” he allegedly said. In someway this words prove me that the United States was involved in Torrijos assassination. This is a doubt that would be in the worlds mind during a long time. 


1 comentario:

  1. Hey Mauricio, I agree with your post. I believe that Torillos death was not an accident. The US government has to be involve in this action.
